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Substation Protection

Selecting Substation Medium-Voltage Switchgear: GIS vs. AIS

Understanding differences between GIS and AIS in five points BY GAETAN DJENANE, Schneider Electric, Inc. Many considerations must be taken into account before selecting the electrical medium-voltage (MV) switchgear that best meets a user’s needs. From a management perspective, considerations...

Substation Automation

3-D Design for Electrical Substations

Exploring 3-D design techniques for electrical substations BY MIKE MINELLI, & HAROLD HARKONEN, Nordmin Engineering Since the 1970s, engineering consulting firms typically have been designing substations using two-dimensional computer aided design software (CAD). This common technique produces...

Substation Technologies

The Fight Against Animal-Caused Power Outages

Every day across the country, animals enter substations for warmth, food, security, or simply out of curiosity. In many areas, wildlife intruding into power equipment has become the leading cause of outages – even more common than storms or vegetation.A single substation outage can cost tens...

Lightning Protection

Grounding System Maintenance Guide

Grounding systems are a crucially important component of any power supply system, because they directly impact public and employee safety, supply system reliability, power quality and life expectancy of power equipment. In spite of their crucial role in safe, reliable, and economic operation of...

Substation Testing & Maintenance

Breakers & Relays

Extend the Life of Your Circuit Breakers

What to ask to ensure proper circuit breaker testing and maintenance BY ROBERT FOSTER, Megger Protecting a utility’s assets is essential. There are many different apparatus in electrical substations that need to be protected. The circuit breaker (CB) is designed to stop the flow of electricity...

Electrical Substations

focus on environment

Substation Focused on Environmental Design

One of the important trends in design of new overhead lines over the past 20 years has been development of structures and designs that are less obtrusive and more pleasing visually. Much the same process has also been going on at substations. For example, even 25 years ago, efforts had already been in place as far afield as Finland and Australia to build substations designed to facilitate acceptance by affected communities – either through aesthetic...

Electrical Substations Articles