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Demand Response

Demand Response Communications

Weighing choices from AMI to Zigbee to Wi-Fi and cellular BY HOWARD NG, Comverge The demand response industry is currently experiencing some of its greatest success currently in the marketplace. However, similar to all technologies that stand the test of time, demand response started somewhere...

Demand Response Rules Are Changing. MISO Shows How.

For independent system operators and regional transmission organizations (ISO/RTOs), the need to rely on distributed energy resources as a system resource is growing. Power systems governed by wholesale markets are evolving as traditional fuel-based generation retires. As a result, ISOs and RTOs...

Historical facts on Ontario's peaksaver PLUS

Many electric utilities in Ontario have been providing the peaksaver PLUS demand response program to their customers. According to the peaksaver PLUS website, this program is designed to help customers reduce demands on the power grid. The program has proven to be very effective. During peak demand...

Demand Response

The Demand Response Revolution

For decades, utilities have been deploying demand response to achieve a variety of load shaping objectives, most notably peak reduction in response to grid conditions. Since their inception in the 1990s, independent system operators (ISOs) and regional transmission organizations (RTOs) have also been dispatching demand response along with supply-side resources to help maintain the reliability of bulk power systems.

The largest share of demand response has traditionally been emergency interruptible load programs, wherein large...

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Historical facts on Ontario's peaksaver PLUS

Many electric utilities in Ontario have been providing the peaksaver PLUS demand response program to their customers. According to the peaksaver PLUS website, this program is designed to help customers reduce demands on the power grid. The program has proven to be very effective. During peak demand...

smart thermostat

Smart thermostats prove their worth, leading the way to smarter homes

Over the past couple of years, advanced thermostats have seen a steady uptake and are reaching a higher level of market maturity. Google’s acquisition of Nest Labs for $3.2 billion in 2014 fueled the development of this market. Other high profile companies have since followed suit to carry this...

Real-time Monitoring is Key to Reducing Energy Consumption

Empowering utilities to assist their customers BY TIM VAN SLAMBROUCK, DENT Instruments Energy utilities and consumers alike can benefit from continuous monitoring of energy usage, because monitoring is the key to identifying areas where consumption can be reduced, and significant cost savings can...

The New Demand Response

Demand response—in the traditional sense—is deceased. The new demand response, on the other hand, builds on lessons learned and provides the path for integration of technology, customers, and programs. This new definition of demand response is enabling active load management using price...

Power market changes

Demand Response Rules Are Changing. MISO Shows How.

For independent system operators and regional transmission organizations (ISO/RTOs), the need to rely on distributed energy resources as a system resource is growing. Power systems governed by wholesale markets are evolving as traditional fuel-based generation retires. As a result, ISOs and RTOs...

smart thermostat

Smart thermostats prove their worth, leading the way to smarter homes

Over the past couple of years, advanced thermostats have seen a steady uptake and are reaching a higher level of market maturity. Google’s acquisition of Nest Labs for $3.2 billion in 2014 fueled the development of this market. Other high profile companies have since followed suit to carry this...

The New Demand Response

Demand response—in the traditional sense—is deceased. The new demand response, on the other hand, builds on lessons learned and provides the path for integration of technology, customers, and programs. This new definition of demand response is enabling active load management using price...

The Demand Response Revolution

For decades, utilities have been deploying demand response to achieve a variety of load shaping objectives, most notably peak reduction in response to grid conditions. Since their inception in the 1990s, independent system operators (ISOs) and regional transmission organizations (RTOs) have also...

Demand Response Communications

Weighing choices from AMI to Zigbee to Wi-Fi and cellular BY HOWARD NG, Comverge The demand response industry is currently experiencing some of its greatest success currently in the marketplace. However, similar to all technologies that stand the test of time, demand response started somewhere...

Historical facts on Ontario's peaksaver PLUS

Many electric utilities in Ontario have been providing the peaksaver PLUS demand response program to their customers. According to the peaksaver PLUS website, this program is designed to help customers reduce demands on the power grid. The program has proven to be very effective. During peak demand...

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