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T&D Companies

The Right Vendor Partnerships Positively Impact Line Crew Safety

A variety of factors influence the safety of those who work on utility lines. Many of the items are standard and likely on everyone’s line worker safety checklist. But there’s one that may not be top-of-mind when considering how to keep linemen and linewomen safe — the influence...

White Papers

White Paper: Copper Theft from Canada's Electricity Infrastructure

Expensive, dangerous, and a threat to reliability Each and every year there are hundreds of copper thefts across the country which have resulted in power outages, increased costs to utilities that are ultimately passed on to Canadians, injuries, and in some cases, even deaths. As the voice of the...

Software and Apps

Worker Safety Using Infrared

Infrared safety: using thermal technologies to protect workers BY DOUG BARRY, FLIR Systems Disconnect switches, elbow connectors, cutouts, lightning arrestors, oil-filled circuit breakers, and other electrical components tend to heat up before they fail. The ability to detect overheating on such...

T&D Products


ASHER Cable Scrapper from TSE

The TSE Cable Scrapper is Al Asher and Sons’ latest product innovation for 2015. Formerly known as OK Champion, the industry has long recognized the Cable Scrapper as the go-to product for salvaging underground cable up to four-inch diameter. The machine will pull, cut, and load cable all day...


The AI Solar Installation Robot

In a significant leap forward for the solar energy industry, Maximo, an advanced AI-enabled robot, is transforming the landscape of utility-scale solar installations. This innovative technology is set to revolutionize how solar panels are installed, offering increased efficiency, precision, and...


Latest News From The T&D Industry

Grid Vulnerability

Grids Become Highly Vulnerable

Increasingly violent weather, probably caused by global warming, is increasingly taking down electricity distribution lines and poles and cyberattacks are increasingly taking out electricity, apparently just as trials for major terrorism of this sort. Little wonder that the price of grid electricity is so often rising, further aggravated by the chronic intermittency of solar and wind power being added to save the planet. In countries such as the USA, the trillions of dollars needed to...

News Articles