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Renewable Energy

Energy Storage Systems

FERC Delay Threatens 3 GW in ISO-NE Auction

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) failure to act on ISO New England's (ISO-NE) proposed interconnection reforms is raising alarms, as it could prevent up to 3 gigawatts (GW) of new resources from participating in the region's upcoming capacity auction. The delay, if unresolved,...

Renewable Energy Grid Integration

Vehicle-to-Grid Integration

How utilities can move forward using electric vehicles BY BEAUDRY KOCK, Recargo Until recently, North American electric utility reps might have understood electric vehicles in one dimension only: potential adverse impacts on the power grid. However, as knowledge and understanding have grown, such...

Community Renewable Energy and Reliable Service

This past winter, extreme weather cost the United States more than $5 billion in property damage, closed businesses and travel disruptions. Early indications also forecast a viciously cold winter for the 2015-16 season. With this extreme weather, many assume they will suffer power loss. In fact, a...

Renewable Energy

DOE Prioritizes Baseload Generation

In a strategic move to tackle the growing electricity demand and bolster energy security, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), under Secretary Chris Wright, has announced plans to focus on expanding baseload and dispatchable power generation. This shift in priorities, outlined on January 5, 2025, highlights a commitment to ensuring a stable, affordable energy system while addressing challenges posed by both the expanding energy load and evolving policy landscapes.

One of the key points emphasized...

Renewable Energy Articles