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Overhead T&D

Infrastructure & Technologies

Underground Smart Grid

In recent years, the cost to bury high-voltage power lines has decreased dramatically. The American Transmission Company reports that installation costs for underground transmission lines (over 100 kilovolts) are now only 2.5 to 10 times the cost of an equivalent overhead line. Consequently, the...

Field Worker Connectivity: Mobile technology for utilities

Moving mobile technology to the job site BY SCOTT BALL, Motion Computing The world looks very different from the top of a utility pole, or from a manhole on an underground power junction. As electric utilities expand the deployment of technology to their field workers, it is becoming more...

Infrastructure & Technologies

Transmission Line Design

Taking 3-D drawing techniques to new technological heights BY BOB ZAPPITELLI, & HAROLD HARKONEN, Nordmin Engineering Historically, transmission line design and drafting has been an arduous task. It often involved an iterative manipulation of several parameters to achieve a final solution. The...

Wire and Cable

Cable Cleats Testing - Crucial to Cable Management

Essentially, cable cleats are devices designed to secure cables and to ensure the retention and support of them, reducing the load that the cable may be exposed to under its own weight. They are also designed to contain the cables under fault conditions, protecting the cables and the cable...

T&D Asset Operators Look to Critical Energy Storage

Upgrading and deferring existing wires and substations may be the most common application of battery storage utilized for transmission and distribution. However, batteries also provide a range of solutions designed to maximize the lifetime of T&D infrastructure. Also referred to as T&D...

T&D Technologies

Emergency Response Kitting

Equipping utilities to restore power quickly and efficiently

BY JOE D’ORAZIO, HD Supply Power Solutions

In the days before Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast of the United States, knocking out power from North Carolina to Maine and as far inland as Western Pennsylvania, utility contractors were busy preparing for a response. Weather and nature are unstoppable forces, but the results of their fury are the same: restore power and repair the damage caused by...

Overhead T&D Articles