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Outage Management & Restoration

Outage Management Toolbox

Nine capabilities required for an effective OMS system BY MICHEL GILLES, Intergraph Increasing or maintaining power reliability is the fundamental charter for utility companies. For electric utilities to meet customer expectations and adhere to government regulations, they require an efficient way...

Underground Distribution

ASHER Cable Scrapper from TSE

The TSE Cable Scrapper is Al Asher and Sons’ latest product innovation for 2015. Formerly known as OK Champion, the industry has long recognized the Cable Scrapper as the go-to product for salvaging underground cable up to four-inch diameter. The machine will pull, cut, and load cable all day...

Underground Distribution

Intelligent Underground Distribution

Unearthing the potential in Smart Grid technologies BY DOUG HOUSEMAN, IEEE Senior Member, EnerNex Corporation After Hurricane Sandy, resiliency became a key factor in the modernization of the power grid. In looking at modernization and resiliency, underground was the first item on many lists....

T&D Technologies

Transmission Towers in Demand

Study shows growth from now to 2020

Aging infrastructure and increased demand for power has amplified the demand for transmission towers. In their latest report ,“The Global Market for Electricity Towers and Poles 2014 to 2020”, StatPlan Energy, specialists in the electricity sector, forecasts global demand for transmission towers will increase at a 1.6 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) from now to 2020.

The rate of growth does not seem dramatic...

Overhead T&D Articles