Gas-insulated Switchgear Options for Substations

Switching gears in the underground
As demand for energy continues to rise, an increased number of locations around the world require suitable energy solutions that fulfill unique demands. Cities are growing, and so is the demand for power. Urban areas face certain challenges, as space is limited and comes at a premium price. Building new substations is timely and costly. Subterranean power solutions provide new possibilities that not only solve problems, but can also benefit the surrounding environment.
Helping to secure efficient energy supply, with great architectural flexibility and a compact and modular design, gas-insulated switchgear —more commonly known as GIS— lends itself to many different design-concepts such as underground, semi-underground, and on top of buildings.
With the ability to fit into the surrounding architecture or landscape making the substation invisible, and with silent operation, GIS can be integrated into a wide variety of urban or industrial settings such as public buildings, subway stations, plazas, parking lots, stadiums, parks, or historic sites. Known for efficient energy-supply capabilities, GIS has been around for more than 45 years.