The Fight Against Animal-Caused Power Outages

Every day across the country, animals enter substations for warmth, food, security, or simply out of curiosity. In many areas, wildlife intruding into power equipment has become the #1 cause of outages, according to a report from the American Public Power Association (APPA) – even more common than storms or vegetation.
A single substation outage can cost tens of thousands of dollars in equipment repair or replacement, man hours and more. The annual cost to utility companies for recovering from animal-related outages is estimated in the billions of dollars, not including the cost of lost commercial activity, lowered productivity, and consumer dissatisfaction.
So – what’s the solution for deterring an animal’s natural instinct to enter a substation? Enter TransGard, which began its proven system of animal mitigation in 1990, and continues each year to add to its offerings of tools for substation protection against bird and animal intrusions.
In 2015, Former NSA Deputy Director John C. Inglis cited squirrels as the number-one threat to the U.S. electrical grid — even more than terrorism or a malicious cyberattack. With increasing annual needs for power and shrinking animal habitats, that threat hasn’t diminished.
For years, engineers and technicians have attempted to prevent or discourage incursions from squirrels, raccoons, snakes, and other animals by using an array of methods: from bushing and line guards, to decoy predators, insulator coatings, and more. These measures have had some temporary success, but they haven’t provided permanent solutions: as an APPA representative noted in The Washington Post, “Animals aren’t just smart, they’re persistent.”
TransGard has found a way to use an animal’s own behavior and experience to teach them that a substation is not a hospitable place to visit.
Read full article in the Reliable Power Testing Special Edition 2021