Save Money on Fleet Management

For utilities who want to reduce costs in record time
Save, or saving, is defined as the act of avoiding unnecessary waste or expense. The key word in that definition is unnecessary. A 50 percent reduction is essential, on-the-road vehicles do not result in savings; rather it produces a loss in productivity. Over the past four years, fleet managers have been charged with this contradictory task: “do more with less” and save money on fleet management costs.
Uncovering true savings is no simple task. It’s a calculated balancing act that requires research and strategy. For fleet managers, especially in the electric utility industry, most overhead costs are fixed: equipment costs, fuel prices, taxes and regulatory fees. However, Electricity Today Magazine will prove that possible savings can be uncovered throughout the management process, just by following the “SAVE” acronym. “SAVE”, as we put it, stands for standardization, active data tracking, vehicle remarketing, and equipment maintenance. Here is how electric utilities can use these factors to save money fleet management expenses.
Electric utility fleets are one of the most complex fleet types, as far as equipment and structural needs; yet, there are commonalities. Don’t get caught up in the specification storm. Different vehicle models and features are without a doubt required, but this can and should be limited. Fleet managers must review specifications in pace with changes by the manufacturer and find the lowest common denominator. This will not only reduce costs and unnecessary inventory, but can reduce the overall vehicle weight to help keep it under the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) commercial operating requirements.