COULOMB™, a powerful 3D electric design and analysis software from INTEGRATED features Boundary Element Method (BEM) technology, well suited for applications where the design requires a large open field analysis and exact modeling of the boundaries. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is also available in the same package, allowing designers to select the most suitable solver according to their application, and verify the results independently within just one program. Within one package and without extra cost, COULOMB™ combines capabilities to analyze corona ring & partial discharge effects, electric field stress, lightning, transient events, maximum field strength, and dielectric breakdown, among others.
Structured, Intuitive and User-Centric Interface
Static, phasor, and transient analysis modes
Easy import of CAD files with healing utilities
Self-adaptive or user-defined meshing
Powerful parametric optimization feature
Electrostatic force and torque calculations
Transmission line parameter and capacitance calculations
Large library of dielectric and conductive materials

Integrated Engineering Software
220-1821 Wellington Avenue
Winnipeg,, Manitoba
(204) 632-5636