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INTEGRATED Engineering Software


MAGNETO™, a powerful 2D/RS magnetic field solver offers cutting-edge electromagnetic design capabilities. Electromechanical devices such as actuators and motors, magnetic sensors, and any other application requiring fast and accurate magnetic field simulation are easy to simulate using MAGNETO™’s power and flexibility. The MAGNETO™ 2D solver handles two different kinds of geometric models. Semi-infinite models can be represented by a cross-section of a device along its length. Axisymmetric models are models that can be represented by a radial slice of the device at any angle. Specialized calculations return the inductance of coils, flux linkage in a coil, and the force and torque on coils or bodies with soft or hard magnetic material properties due to magnetic fields. Other values of interest in appropriate physical models, such as the stored energy or co-energy, are also available.



  • Self-adaptive or user-defined meshing 

  • Static, phasor, and transient analysis modes

  • Simulation of lossy magnetic materials

  • Force, torque, flux linkage, and inductance calculations

  • Structured, Intuitive, and User-Centric Interface 

  • Powerful parametric optimization feature

  • Comprehensive API and Scripting ability

  • Easy import of CAD files with healing utilities 

  • A large library of materials to which users can easily add their own


Integrated Engineering Software

220-1821 Wellington Avenue

Winnipeg,, Manitoba


(204) 632-5636



Transformation Products

Automation Products