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INTEGRATED Engineering Software


OERSTED, a 2D/RS time-harmonic eddy current solver from INTEGRATED Engineering Software, delivers the power and performance needed to accomplish transient EM field solving. OERSTED™ provides powerful tools for magnetic field analysis, and calculation of resultant parameters such as force, torque, induced voltages, displacement current, flux linkage, induced voltage, power, impedance, and currents. INTEGRATED’s powerful parametric solvers allow designers to automatically vary and experiment with geometry, materials, and sources.



  • Structured, Intuitive, and User-Centric Interface

  • Calculation of true AC resistance due to skin and proximity effects

  • Transient, phasor, and static analysis modes

  • Calculation of true AC resistance due to skin and proximity effects

  • Solution of current induced and skin effect current impressed in conductors

  • Analysis of force, torque, flux linkage, power, and impedance parameters

  • Simulation of lossy magnetic materials


Integrated Engineering Software

220-1821 Wellington Avenue

Winnipeg,, Manitoba


(204) 632-5636



Transformation Products

Automation Products