Data Analytics for Theft Detection

Utility profile: ComEd uses data analytics for theft detection
The Commonwealth Edison Company, better known as ComEd and one of the U.S.’s largest electric utilities, has been using a variety of tools and data analytics to help identify theft leads and unmetered current. With the onset of smart meters and the elimination of most manual meter reading, data analytics becomes imperative to help the utility “see” what is going on in the field. ComEd’s Revenue Protection team is focusing on data analytics with the help of three new data analysts and tools from vendor programs to prepare for a system-wide smart meter deployment. The team recently provided some information to Electricity Today Magazine about using smart meters and data analytics for theft detection.
Q: Data analytics is a growing area in the utility industry. What tools and processes did you deploy for theft detection and how are these being implemented?
A: ComEd is in the early stages of smart meter deployment with approximately 130,000 smart meters on the system as part of a pilot program. As part of its Smart Grid program, ComEd plans to install smart meters at all customer locations across our service territory. The company uses three tools to help with data analytics and theft detection. In 2010, ComEd partnered with a vendor that uses data comparison to help identify potential commercial energy theft and unmetered current.